LGI is a French SME established in 2005. It is currently based in Paris, Valencia and Hamburg. The sustainable innovation experts at LGI work with public and private clients in their strategy, financing and public communication. Its specialist positioning gives the firm legitimacy in the innovation ecosystems dealing with the energy-climate nexus, circular economy, air-water-soils & biodiversity, and sustainable cities and mobility. LGI is very active on innovation enablers including digital disruption, green chemistry and industry 4.0. We get involved on the formulation of sustainable innovations, with strategic roadmaps (addressing technological, market and societal feasibility; supply chain analyses; business modeling; and so on); putting together grant applications for EU funding (50+ projects funded since FP6); and an in-house communication & PR agency specialized on disruptive innovation and cleantechs.
LGI’s approach combines the analysis of technological development with market and social drivers to support its customers with a global innovation approach. LGI’ services include market research and forecasts, global industry analysis, stakeholder mapping, which enable its clients to address their key challenges and exploit their strategic opportunities. LGI has developed a recognised expertise on business modelling, technologies and market assessments, especially in the sectors of energy, environment, circular economy and smart cities.
LGI regularly leads work packages in EU projects on the company’s areas of expertise such as innovation management, market, exploitation, technology assessments, public communication. LGI has coordinated several FP7 and H2020 projects, and intervenes with management support in many collaborative networks.
Website: www.lgi-consulting.com
Contact: Gabor Szendro (gabor.szendro@lgi-consulting.com)
LGI will be leader of task T5.2 Market Study and Exploitation Strategies, contribute to the other tasks, and assist as PMO in WP6 “Management and coordination”.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n. 838061
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